The earnings listed are accurate but should not be taken as representative or indicative of the earning potential of Arkansas Elite graduates. Arkansas Elite Welding Academy cannot guarantee jobs or earnings. Arkansas Elite Welding Academy is located in Quitman, AR, and is licensed by the Arkansas Division of Higher Education.

Jacob 2022- I’m really glad I went to AREW. I almost went somewhere else, but I ended up going with Elite! Best decision I could have made. You gave me inspiration when I thought about giving up, I don’t know if I could have done it without the support of those at AREW!

Kody Brown 2021 – Arkansas Elite was probably the best thing to ever happen to me! 

Brandon Clausen 2020 – Thank you for the knowledge you guys gave me while I was going to school. Welding has been paying off a ton and it’s taken me places I never thought I would go. Without your knowledge and determination to push us to do our best, I wouldn’t be who or where I am without you!

Alex Dunn – AREW helped a lot of young men and women start an awesome career! Because of AREW, my wife is able to stay at home with the kids, all the bills are paid, and we are able to help others out when they need it! AREW is doing great things

Aiden – You taught me a lot about welding and life I really appreciate all you’ve done for me and honestly changed my life thank you for being a badass instructor!

Hannah Rawling Mother 2021- I just wanted to let each and every one of you know how much this momma appreciates the dedication you all have for the students at AREW! Thank you for taking care of my girl. I know its adds a bit of a different aspect of doing things with you have a young lady step into a man’s world. At the same time, I knew it would never be easy for her, and she will have some struggles along the way but you all have made sure she has what she needs to succeed! You protected her when she needed it and gave her courage and a path to make her way. I know she has enjoyed every day at the academy and has made lifelong friends along the way. When her dad passed away I told her that God would put special people in her pathway and he sure did that with all the instructors and other there. This experience has touched her and helped her grow into the amazing young lady she has become. You guys rock THANK YOU ALL!

Catherine Matthews Mom of Stephen and Anna – AREW forever changed my family’s life forever! Anna and Stephen have not stopped working since they graduated! In the road, with hotel bills paid, and earning the bucks! Every day both of them use not only the welding stuff they learned, but all the detailed information and how to act, and get ahead on each job they do! Thank you from the bottom of this grateful momma’s heart! 

Landon Bender 2020 – It felt like I was with the brotherhood when I was at AREW. They showed me a lot about life and the person I wanted to be! Thank you 

Austin Hamilton 2021 – Thank you for changing people’s lives, and for the guys that put their heads down and work hard, you are helping create a future for them. 

Gunner Rice 2020- In all humbleness thanks to you and your amazing program. I have made right at the six figures. I want to thank everyone at AREW for everything. Changed my life!

Trevor Pagan – I’ll never forget where I come from and who put in the time and work in with me to give me this ability. I appreciate what AREW has established for us. Your Changing Lives!

Trevor Pegan – Thank you TBird for being the best mentor and teacher I appreciate it and am glad you are someone I can always look up to!

Hunter Hudson – I’m thankful for the opportunity to come through AREW, and the experience and attention AREW offer with the course. Thank you for everything!

Luke Dixon – Thank you for not giving up on me. Proud of what I do now! THANK YOU AREW

Kyler Davis Mom – Thank you for working with Kyler you will never know how much it means to us!1 The high school wanted to sign him up on disability because of his learning disabilities and he wanted more out of life! Because of AREW Kyler is working at Nabco!

Brandon Powell – AREW is A1 Thank you for the opportunity!

Will Brady – Glad I choose Elite! Never dreamed the first year out and I would break 6 figures!!