Arkansas Elite Welding Academy Refund Policy
1. AEWA may retain a registration fee associated with withdrawal or termination not to exceed $100.
2. All tuition (not including tool fees) paid in excess of the registration fee of not more than one hundred dollars ($100) shall be refundable.
3. The refund shall be based on the cost and length of the program. All tuition beyond the current enrollment period shall be refunded when a student terminates.
(a) At completion of less than 25% of the program, the refund of tuition and lab fees shall be made on a pro rata basis.
(b) At completion of 25% but less than 50% of the program, the student will be refunded 50% of tuition and lab fees.
(c) At completion of 50% but less than 75% of the program, the student shall be refunded 25% of tuition and lab fees.
(d) At completion of 75% or more of the program, no refund is due to the student.